Anna Shengelia
Welcome to Anuki’s Corner!
Let me introduce myself:
My name is Anna, but everyone calls me Anuki. I am a travel writer and photographer. I have for many years hoarded my travelouges and pictures and only told stories of my adventures. Now I finally decided that it was time to write them down and share them with the world.

Hinamatsuri – a festival of girls, dolls and spring
Come March, Japanese families and business will display beautiful, often handcrafted dolls depicting an imperial court scene. What’s behind this tradition? Hina Matsuri, also often called Girl’s Day or Doll’s Day is celebrated on March 3rd and is one of the five seasonal festivals which are celebrated on auspicious days of the Chinese Calendar. It […]

To keep or not to keep – New Year’s Resolutions
1 month to go until the end of 2019. Time to recap one’s flaws and vices and make a list of New Year’s resolutions – which we will never keep, or? Like probably every single human being on this planet, I also make a (mental) list of well-meaning New Year’s resolutions:Do more sportsLose weightWork lessMeet […]

Greeting the day from the top of Japan – Mt Fuji
When you think of Japan, it is hard not to think of Fuji-San (Mt. Fuji) – with its picture-perfect volcanic shape, the snow-covered top and gently sloping base… Standing tall and proud at 3776m above sea level, it’s Japan’s highest and holiest peak and a scenic hiking destination, to see the sunrise. So, grab your […]

Happiness? Peace? Serenity?
In the past days, I had a series of heart-to-hearts with friends good and distant, old and new. The essence of these conversations were variations of the same question: are you happy? Some just casually inquired while others bluntly told me that I seemed unhappy, or well at least not glowing. If we discount that […]

Camping in Izu Oshima
Summer has come to Tokyo, the rainy season is ending and long weekends are coming up. Time to start planning trips. How about cycling on the largest of Tokyo Eleven Islands? Izu Oshima (伊豆大島) is the largest among the Izu Islands and belongs to the administrative region of Tokyo. Because of this the streets are […]